5 Reasons Why Adding Video To Your Branding Photo Shoot May Be A Good Idea

In today's digital age, branding is more important than ever. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a small business owner, or a social media influencer, establishing a strong brand identity is key to standing out in a crowded marketplace. And when it comes to building a successful brand, there's a powerful tool that you don't want to overlook: video.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. Isn't a branding photoshoot all about capturing those perfect still images that represent your brand? Well, yes, but incorporating video into your branding photo shoot can take your visual storytelling to a whole new level. Here are some reasons why adding branding videos to your photo shoot may be beneficial.

Short branding clip for food blogger for Instagram Reels & TikTok

Video brings your brand to life

While photos are fantastic for capturing a single moment, videos have the power to capture movement, emotion, and personality. Imagine your potential customers seeing you in action, hearing your voice, and getting a glimpse of your dynamic personality. It's like inviting them into your world and giving them a firsthand experience of what it's like to engage with your brand. It creates a deeper connection and resonates with people on a more personal level.

It can tell a compelling story

With videos, you can showcase your brand's journey, values, and mission in a way that captivates your audience. You can take them behind the scenes of your creative process, introduce your team members, or share testimonials from satisfied customers. These stories help humanise your brand and make it relatable. People love stories, and by leveraging the power of video, you can weave a narrative that engages and inspires your audience.

Social Media loves video content

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are increasingly prioritising video content. By including videos in your branding photo shoot, you'll have a treasure trove of content to share across these platforms. Videos are more likely to catch people's attention as they scroll through their feeds, and they tend to generate more engagement, likes, and shares. So, if you want to boost your social media presence and increase your reach, video is the way to go.

It adds versatility to your branding Strategy

You can repurpose video content in multiple ways. Extract short clips for teasers or promotional videos, create longer videos for your website or YouTube channel, and even use snippets for engaging Instagram Stories. With video, you have a range of options to showcase different aspects of your brand and cater to various platforms and audience preferences.


Highlight video created for a day event I photographed

Branding video created for promotional use on social media


Professionalism and credibility

Having high-quality videos sets you apart from the rest. It shows that you're invested in your brand and are willing to go the extra mile to deliver a visually stunning experience. Plus, well-crafted videos can instil confidence in potential clients or customers, giving them the reassurance that they're dealing with a reputable and trustworthy brand.

So, there you have it! Adding video to your branding photo shoot can take your brand to new heights. It brings your brand to life, tells compelling stories, boosts your social media presence, adds versatility, and enhances your professionalism. Don't be afraid to get creative and explore the possibilities that video can offer.


London Branding Photographer with Online Therapist Becky Ashton in Clapham


London Branding Photographer with Wellness Expert and Master Coach Gillian McMichael