2021 Highlights | A year in review

I hope everyone had a lovely start into the new year. Now that we’re already in February I thought it’s finally time to stop procrastinating and finish my 2021 roundup post.


2021, like the previous year was a bit of a rollercoaster, trying to navigate through the new normal that the pandemic brought along. I did find it a bit easier as it wasn’t as unprecedented and uncertain as 2019+1. We’ve learnt more about Covid and have already gone through a lot, so 2021 definitely felt more hopeful, even though it didn’t start out that way.

My year began with getting stuck in Germany at my parents house after the lockdown 3.0 was announced and my flights kept getting cancelled. So for the first 2 months of 2021 I spent a lot of time with my family and friends in my little home town, which also had its ups and downs. As you can maybe imagine living with your parents as a grown-up comes with its own challenges.

“2021 - The year after the year that must not be named.”

Once the lockdown was over at the end of March I was ready to get back to capturing awesome entrepreneurs and small businesses. The slide show is featuring some of my favourite shoots and people I’ve met during the last 12 (well 9) months. From Addition Finance who hired me to take their team’s headshots to Polina from Good Fabrics in her Wimbledon workshop, my annual photoshoot with Vicki & Selina from Project Love and some fun days shooting for a social cooking app. I also thoroughly enjoyed working with Winnie Jasmin, a parenting and sleep coach who brought an actual new born as a “prop” to her branding shoot and the female entrepreneurs I shot during my mini sessions in Shoreditch and London Bridge.

Another personal highlight was shooting with Fi and Christina on a warm September day in West London for their new project to help creatives stay motivated and inspired. We created a beautiful set of storytelling images that I can’t stop looking at.

2021 also meant we could go to the cinema and the West End again or simply just meet up with friends at your favourite brunch place. So all in all it was a pretty decent year and a big improvement compared to 2018+2. On a business level I actually had more bookings than I had in 2019, which to me shows that people are working on getting back on track or even made some life/career changes prompted by the pandemic. It also means the word is spreading and my business is growing for which I’m immensely grateful for and happy about.

How was your 2021? What was your highlight? What did you hate about it?

Let me know in the comments below.


Personal Branding Photographer with Wellbeing Coach Kate Hogan in Shoreditch


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